Tuesday, March 18, 2008

nothing like seeing an old flame....

Ok, I tried to embed the video, but could not get it figured out, so check out this link...oh, and if you know how to post the video directly to a blog....PLEASE, PLEASE let me know so I don't remain completely computer illiterate.


Anyway, the girls dad is a guy I went out with just as I was turning 16. He was 19 had a FULL head of hair and was sweet in a technical kind of way. After a couple weeks, he let me know that he wanted to date this other girl so I said fine...I feel bad looking back on it now, because I had only gone after him because a different girl I knew said she thought he had a cute butt....actually, the word she used was "suave".. hehe.

He was a nice guy, but I had just entered the world of boys and had much exploring to do...we really did not click in that way. We had been friends for a while before seeing each other and I regret that hanging out "in the bf/gf" way, caused that to end.

Ah well....

I do hope that all goes well for him and he beats his cancer. If he ever sees this, I want to let him know that his daughter is adorable and very sweet hearted and looks just like who I assume her mother to be.

So anyway, hubby and I were watching the news..not paying much attention..when I looked up and saw him talking with his daughter in the interview. Well, hubby and I got into a LOOOOONG conversation about our past flames. It was an enlightening conversation and one that can only be had with a LOT of good humor. I learned things that I do believe I never really wanted to know...haha. I would not advise having this type of conversation unless the relationship is solid and as I said before, both members have a dose of good humor...

So, I said all that to say, saw an old friend on the news, turned into an hour long conversation that was funny, but I NEVER want to have again....I still believe my hubby was a lonely and despondent...not to mention celibate...man before I swooped into his life to save him from himself....right?

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