Friday, March 7, 2008

It happens once every four years, and no, it isn't leapyear....

It is time for my drivers license renewal. This is the time I have looked forward to with great anticipation. For four years, I have had to carry around a terrible license picture and always shuddered when it needed to be presented to another actual human being.

So....I woke up yesterday morning, took a shower, did my normal 'get ready for the day' routine, and when I looked in the mirror, I thought "WOW, my hair looks great, my makeup is flawless, today is THE day".

I took care of a few things, then I arrived at the tag office, anxious, nervous, but excited to rid myself of the last four years. I boldly step up to the counter and announce I am there to renew my license.

I sit in the little chair with the plain blue background and wonder "do I smile? do I look bored? perhaps I should look off into the distance? maybe I should give my sexy look..." CLICK... she took the picture while I was still deciding how to pose for the next four years.

The lady behind the counter could see my picture on her computer screen and she commented on how it was a great picture! She kept saying over and over how it was probably the best drivers license picture she had ever seen! I was elated! I could not WAIT to see this portrait that would determine how willing I would be to produce my license to those who asked.

The anticipation is thick while waiting for the agonizingly slow printer to produce my picture.

Suddenly, I had a thought....I had moved a couple years ago and was not sure if the correct address was in their system, so I asked...

She said no, the address was not correct, so she voided the once in a lifetime snapshot and we needed to try again.

Oh, and she showed me the picture really was a good picture, I would have definately been proud to carry it for four years....


It's ok, I tell myself...I did it once, I can do it again.

I look directly into the lense, give my most thoughtful, intellegent yet cute perhaps sexy look and CLICK.... she takes the picture.

Of course, I blink because of the flash, so my lids are half closed, my head is slightly tilted to the side so I look either drunk or doped up. The flash cast a weird shadow, so my face looks abnormally orangish and my hair, that is a natural blond, looks red"ish".


Maybe in four years, my next picture will be better.

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