Saturday, March 8, 2008

A little info about me

Although I am sure not many people I do not know really read this blog, I thought I would share a little about myself for those who stumble across my page.

I am 31, married with 3 kiddos: girl, boy, girl. I am currently a foster parent to my infant niece, but she will be going home in the next week or two. I have adored the time I had with her, but the situation, which I will not go into here, has been so absurd. I know DHS serves a function, but at times, such as this one, they have a knee-jerk reaction and seriously screw up.

Anyway, enough about that..

I attend college full time and am working towards my Bachelors in Criminal Justice. I have a year and a half to go, which seems forever, but I know it will fly by. I intend to enter the police academy in January of 2010. I can NOT wait! I have known I would be a police officer since I was a little girl.

I own my own business working on car lots, fixing windshields, in my hometown. I do really enjoy this work and will continue after becoming a police officer.

I love to play poker! I do not get to the casino much because I stay home in the evenings with the kids, but I play online when possible. I have really been too busy over the last month or so to play much, but I am hoping once my niece goes home, things will settle down and I will get to play more.

ummmm....what else.....

I can't think of too terribly much else right now.

If I come up with anything, I will add a post.

Oh, and I have some pics. I will try to figure out how to add them to the blog once I post this one.

Stay tuned....

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